12 Apr 2020

The types of Friends you Should Keep

Hello world,

I am not an authority on friendships and relationships but I have some basic understanding about friends/friendships and relationships and I have this platform, so why not share my thoughts and musings with y'all?  

I was going to title this post "the types of friends you should not keep" but I thought it was better to make it a positive heading even though I still intend to tell you the types of friends not to keep.

From my little experience on earth, I believe that we all need the following types of friends in our lives -

1. Those that inspire you to follow your dreams. This is a no-brainer. Some people literally add value to your life, they spur you on. Because of how they motivate you, you want to achieve more or by merely looking at their lives, you're encouraged to do better. These people are like family. They're for keeps!

2. Friends who tell you the truth. There's an adage that says that "it is only a good friend who tells you that your mouth is smelling". Why would you want to be in a friendship relationship where your friend cannot tell you that you've done something wrong or that you should do something better or that your hair is old and unkempt or that you should have your bath or that you have to prepare for your exam or that you take too much alcohol??? You get my drift? Be an open book and listen when others advice you (even if you pretend not to be listening, still take their good advice). It's for your benefit.

3. Friends that are older and wiser than you. These are like mentors. We meet them everywhere - social media, church, offices, etc. They add value to your life because where you are going, they have been and they can help you get there faster.

4. Friends that can teach you. A thing or two good things. They can be those whom you know are academically smarter than you, a street smart, or somehow know better.

5. Friends that genuinely care about you. Some relationships can be parasitic. You do not want to be friends with people who have expectations from you and demand them unreservedly, without giving. Love and friendship are about giving, caring and helping!

STAY AWAY from -

1. Friends who gossip to you about others. Chances are they're gossiping to others about you. We ladies like to talk. We might sometimes "stumble" on other people's "gist" and that's okay. But you see those friends who like to go deeper, defame, malign, basically talk absolute trash about others? Stay far away from them.

2. Friends who never see anything good about you and others. These ones have personal problems. Do not become a part of their complicated world full of psychological  and mental damage.

3. Friends who are  vengeful. Forgiveness is a vital, indispensable element in every human relationship. You will hurt and be hurt. Avoid people who find it difficult to forgive and are usually vengeful. They can probably kill you in your sleep (lol... but not lol!).

4. Friends who are too critical. It is good to be critical, weigh the pros and cons objectively and offer well-thought out ideas with constructive criticism. On the flip side, when a person tells you words like "why are you wearing this ugly dress? you look hideous", I feel it's a little too harsh. Perhaps, they can say "can you try on the other dress instead, it looks better on you". That's in a way, constructive criticism that actually helps and boosts your morale rather than bring you down for no reason. 

Let's know your thoughts in the comments.

Love and light. 

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