26 Mar 2020

This Covid-19

Some days ago, my husband forwarded to me a video that was “roaming” around the streets of social media.
In the video, a young lady was speaking concerning what she was convinced God was saying about the world, recent occurrences and the corona virus pandemic. She made reference to the Bible in 2 Chronicles. 7:13-14 -

“Whenever I hold back the rain or send locusts to eat up the crops or send an epidemic on my people, if they pray to me and repent and turn away from the evil they have been doing, then I will hear them in heaven, forgive their sins and make their land prosperous again”

Now, I am a believer in science. I like the sound of medical breakthroughs and all that nice stuff but I also believe that God created science – He created us and gave us the brains to think and invent. So, yes, He created science as a way of combating man’s immediate physical disadvantages.

According to the origin of the Covid-19 virus, it has always existed in some animals and was passed from an animal to a human. Question: Why now? Have we not always eaten animals? (even though some practices in China and some parts of the Asian world may need to be checked).

I am convinced that beyond scientific intervention, we need a spiritual intervention. Look at the passage of the Bible mentioned above. The young lady’s reference to God “holding back the rain” was evident in the Australian wild fires some months back. “Locusts eating up the crops” was an event that occurred in East Africa where locusts literally ate up crops in parts of East Africa, and then, the recent, occurring “epidemic”, corona virus, which is now a pandemic (a more widely spread epidemic).

I am certain that God’s own people need to pray as a united front. Christian bodies world over should organize mass prayer sessions (to be observed from our various isolation camps, of course) specifically asking God for mercy from our evil ways.

Think about it, the world has become more vain, more interested in things that do not give God glory, which is the reason why we are here; more immoral and accepting of immoral standards. God’s mercy is what we need. Perhaps, this is a test from God who loves us so much and is desirous of saving us from ourselves.

Scientific research and solutions are great and highly recommended, and more importantly, the world needs God’s mercy to forge ahead. #ThisTooShallPass.

Please leave your opinion in the comments.

Love and light.

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