16 Jul 2016

Purpose Chasers II

 Hi fabs,

I'm sure y'all must have discovered something more fascinating about yourselves by now. On to the next one--

It's time to:
1. Take your time (and prayerfully too) to discover more about yourself.
2. Be committed to consciously developing yourself. Nurture and grow your skills/talents/other abilities.
3. Be focused on and determined to achieve your major reason for existing.
4. Imbibe good character. Most people will avoid an arrogant or lazy person.
5. Have a specific sense of direction. You don't want to be tossed about or distracted by the uncertainties of life.

6. Consciously engage in motivational activities or find things/activities that will motivate you. You need positive motivation to get farther.
7. Discipline yourself. Without discipline, no one can go very far.
8. Chase after your dreams, and don't stop until you are fulfilled. Die empty.
9. Live your life 'on purpose'. Don't let careless chance happen to you.

Do leave your comments in the dialogue box below. Thank you :)

Love, always.

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